South Central Area Special Education Cooperative
600 Elm Street, Suite 2
Paoli, IN 47454
Phone: (812)723-2089 Fax: (812)723-4206
"Enrichment beyond the classroom"
Information for Parents
Click on boxes for information
Releasing Students Records
Written and dated parental consent must be obtained on the Sharing of Information or Authorization to Release Medical Information forms before personally identifiable information is disclosed to anyone other than the parent or authorized employees, or before the information is used for any purpose other than meeting the requirement of federal and state regulations. Written consent from the parent is not required in order for the school to send records on request to a school in which a student intends to enroll. Parent consent is not required for SCASEC staff and authorized school employees to access a student's educational records. A current listing of names and positions of school employees authorized to access a student's educational records shall be maintained and posted clearly. Parent consent is also not required for SCASEC to release records in order to comply with a court order, or as requested for the Department of Corrections for educational purposes.