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The World's Largest Circus Diorama
Just catch your breath and say, “Oh my…!” as you enter this exhibit.
It goes on and on and on, seemingly forever.
This scale model exhibit, painstakingly crafted by Peter Gorman over years and years, depicts the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus in incredible detail from the moment the train rolls into town, parades through the village, and right on into the show under the big top.
There are well over 150,000 pieces. It took our museum team three months just to set it up. You are welcome to stay and admire it as long as you want. There’s a lot to see.

3 teams of horses pull a wagon of tent poles across the railroad tracks to the big top tent site.
The train scene as it looked while it was being set up. Yes, the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus did have this many rail cars.

Six horses pull the tiger circus wagon down the neighborhood street to attract passers-by to come to the show.

Elephants and camels getting their 'costumes' on for the show.

Elephants on parade. Notice the Pluto Water train car in the background.

This small section of the massive 1,100 square foot Hagenback-Wallace Circus diorama accurately depicts the tent section of the circus with all the back yard activities, working parts, animals, people and equipment. It would take hours to see every detail in this diorama...don't miss it!